

FLBEIA Software by AZTI

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FLBEIA in Researchgate

Scientific papers

  • Dorleta Garcia, Sonia Sánchez, Raúl Prellezo, Agurtzane Urtizberea, Marga Andrés, FLBEIA : A simulation model to conduct Bio-Economic evaluation of fisheries management strategies, SoftwareX, Volume 6, 2017, Pages 141-147, ISSN 2352-7110, Con el link :
  • Garcia, D., Urtizberea, A., Diez, G., Gil, J. & Marchal, P. (2013) Bio-economic management strategy evaluation of deepwater stocks using the FLBEIA model. Aquatic Living Resources, 26, 365-379. +LINK
  • Garcia, D., Sanchez, S., Prellezo, R., Urtizberea, A., and Andres, M. 2014. FLBEIA: A toolbox to conduct Bio-Economic Impact Assessment of fisheries management strategies. Ecological Modelling, Submitted.
  • Sampedro, P., Prellezo, R., García, D., Da-Rocha, J. M., Cerviño, S., Torralba, J., Touza, J., García-Cutrín, J., and Gutiérrez, M. J. 2017. To shape or to be shaped: engaging stakeholders in fishery management advice. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 74(2): 487–498.
  • Raúl Prellezo, Itsaso Carmona, Dorleta García, Luis Arregi, Jon Ruiz, Iñigo Onandia. Bioeconomic assessment of a change in fishing gear selectivity: the case of a single-species fleet affected by the landing obligation. Sci. Mar. 81(3) : 371-380 – DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04597.18A
  • Prellezo R, Carmona I, Garcia D. The bad, the good and the very good of the landing obligation implementation in the Bay of Biscay: A case study of Basque trawlers. Fisheries Research. 2016;181:172–85. + More info
  • Sonia Sánchez, Leire Ibaibarriaga, Andrés Uriarte, Raul Prellezo, Marga Andrés, Pablo Abaunza, Ernesto Jardim, Sigrid Lehuta, Lionel Pawlowski, and Beatriz Roel. Challenges of management strategy evaluation for small pelagic fish: the Bay of Biscay anchovy case study. January 2018. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: 10.3354/meps12602


  • Jardim E., Urtizberea A., Motova A., Osio C., Ulrich C., Millar C., Mosqueira I., Poos J.J., Virtanen J., Hamon K., Carvalho N., Prellezo R., Holmes S., 2013, Bioeconomic Modelling Applied to Fisheries with R/FLR/FLBEIA. JRC Scientific and Policy Report EUR 25823 EN. + More info
  • STECF 2013. Advice on the Harvest Control Rule and Evaluation of the Anchovy Plan COM(2009) 399 Final  (STECF-13-24). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. EUR 26326 EN, JRC 86109. 71 pp.
  • Sánchez, S., A. Uriarte, et al. (2014). Developments of the MSE methodology for the Bay of Biscay anchovy. Final Report for the European Commission, Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Presented to STECF EWG 14-03.
  • STECF, 2014. Evaluation/scoping of Management plans – Data analysis for support of the impact assessment for the management plan of Bay of Biscay anchovy (COM(2009)399 final). (STECF-14-05). 2014. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, EUR 26611 EN, JRC 89792, 128 pp.


  • A tool for bio-economic IA in the context of mixed-fisheries (FLBEIA): building the path… Marina Santurtun, Dorleta Garcia, Raul Prellezo and Sonia Sanchez. Presented at North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWRAC) Focus group on Hake, Anglerfish and megrim. Bilbao, 2013. + View presentation
  • FLBEIA: A toolbox for bioeconomic impact assessment of fisheries management strategies. Dorleta García, Marina Santurtun, Raúl Prellezo, Sonia Sanchez and Marga Andres. Presented at ICES Annual Science Conference. Bergen, 2012. Theme session K: Managing in a complex environment: defining approaches for multiple species and ecosystems. + View presentation
  • FLBEIA: A toolbox for Bio-Economic Impact Assessment of fisheries management strategies. Presented at Ecosystem based management and monitoring in the deep Mediterranean & North Atlantic. Galway, 2012 . Theme session F – Evaluation of management strategies and policy advice for fisheries management taking into account the ecosystem approach. + View presentation
  • Can we obtain an efficient management of northern stock of European Hake (Merluccius merluccius) using survey-based harvest control rules? Presented in “Gadoids Fisheries: The Ecology and Management of Rebuilding”. ICES/NAFO symposium – 15-18 October 2013 – St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada.
  • FLBEIA: Una herramienta para el análisis de impacto bio-económico de estrategias de gestión pesquera. Poster presented in the “Research in Statistics vs Statistics in Research” meeting in the University of Basque Country (UPV-EHU).

Conference Poster

  • DAMARA: a decision support tool for mixed fisheries management in the Celtic Sea. Curtin R., Dolder P., Graham N., Minto C., Robert M., Mardle S., Goldsborough D., Pawlowski L., Trapman B., Garcia D. + More info
  • ISOBAY15. P15- How impacts the implementation of a sequential fleet behavior in the management strategy evaluation? The case of the Basque inshore fleet with FLBEIA. Marga Andrés, Agurtzane Urtizberea, Sonia Sánchez, Dorleta García. + More info
These are the places where FLBEIA is applied.