FLBEIA is a simulation toolbox implemented as an R library (www.r-project.org) which facilitates the development of bio-economic impact assessments of fisheries management strategies. It is built under a management strategy evaluation framework using FLR libraries (www.flr-project.org/). The simulation is divided in two worlds, the operating model (OM, the real world) and the management procedure model (MPM, the perceived world). The OM in turn is divided in 3 components, the biological component formed by the stocks, the fleets component and the covariates component. MPM is divided also in 3 components; the data, the perceived system and the advice. A conceptual diagram of the model is shown in next figure:

Dorleta García Rodriguez
Researcher in AZTI, Spain
Sonia Sánchez Maroño
AZTI, Spain
Agurtzane Urtizberea
Researcher in AZTI, Spain
Marga Andrés
Researcher in AZTI, Spain
Raul Prellezo
Principal Researcher in AZTI and Member in Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF)
This Project has been financed by:
- Basque Government (Agriculture and Fisheries Department).
- Commission of the European Communities under Deepfishman and Myfish projects (Grant agreement no. 227390 and 289257, respectively)
- European Fisheries Fund under Denafit and Kudea projects (Grant agreements no. 351BI20100057 and 04201200395, respectively).